Product Name
Infomedia Services is the leading Publisher of Yellowpages and a trusted print directory service provider, that has been in the directional media communications for years.
AOM Engineering Works wears on its lapel 10 years of pioneering effort to sustain leadership in the motors and pumps marketplace. It is among the earliest to have established integrated manufacturing facilities and today operates from 4 modern operating divisions that include motors and pumps division, submersible pumps division and engineering services division.
Amoka Pumps was Established in 2008, Partnership, Experience 21 years, and Best-in-class manufacturing, in-house services and value engineering have been the mainstay of each Amoka product which range over 750 varied pumps across verticals that include Agriculture, Industry and the Domestic Sectors. Best practices business transparency endears Amoka to its business associates and customers prompting it to secure mind share in the market by the promise of 'Performance, Value & Trust.
Infomedia Services is the leading Publisher of Yellowpages and a trusted print directory service provider, that has been in the directional media communications for years.