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Infomedia Services is the leading Publisher of Yellowpages and a trusted print directory service provider, that has been in the directional media communications for years.
PRIYADARISHINI CHEMICALS established in 1997, has a widespread market throughout India on Manufacturing of Automobile and Industrial Specialty Chemicals. We work towards our mission and making our customers satisfied with Prichem Products. At present, Prichem plays a major role in the Chemicals Industry towards Coimbatore with highly equipped machineries and resources to meet the best quality level. All products from Prichem are tested at highly modernized testing laboratories before delivering to the customers which makes us premium on safety and welfare.
At Prichem, Several leading products which meets the best quality on day to day routine of machinaries and automobile Industries is manufactured. Our products towards Automobile are not limited to the following- Radiator Coolant, Genset Coolant, Radiator Cleaner, Brake Fluids, Fork Oils, etc.
Prichem has its unique nature and high quality profile towards industry chemicals through its well manufactured products. We serve several industries throughout India. Few of our leading Industrial Chemicals Products, which makes us unique are as follows - Vibro Polishing Chemicals and Media, Phosphating Chemicals, Blackening Salts, Degreasing Chemicals, Paint remover, 3 in 1 chemicals, Rust Preventive Oils and lubricants, Aluminium Metal Treatment Chemicals, Pickling Inhibitors, etc.
Prichem Chemicals are used on variety of fields and mostly used purpose are Powder Coating, Precision, Sheet Metal Components,Steel Furniture Industries, paints, machinery manufacturers and general engineering Industries.
Infomedia Services is the leading Publisher of Yellowpages and a trusted print directory service provider, that has been in the directional media communications for years.