Vishal Enterprises

68-1B, M.G.R Nagar Extension, Madukkarai Road SIDCO Coimbatore-641021.


Vishal Enterprises, one of the manufacturers of Plastic components was entrenched in the Year 2007 on 31st of May. We make Water storage tank lids, basin and other Plastic products with more than 30 Laborers and 5 employees, etc.

We Profoundly Thank our Most Valuable and Astonishing Customers for the unbelievable support, since 2007, from the inauguration of our travel. Your valuable suggestions made us to achieve margin-bottom:20px; in the Quality of our utmost services. We always pledge you to afford Deep-rooted Satisfaction. We wish to have our Beloved Customers to be our Well wishers in furnishing their valuable ideas regarding where to upgrade and be a shining light in making us move forward in the successful path to sparkle in each and every aspect in our future enhancements.